

Domina best choice for Nebraska

Rarely, have the voters of Nebraska had the opportunity to vote for a candidate, for any office in Nebraska, as qualified, knowledgeable, and articulate as Dave Domina.

Dave was born in Nebraska and raised on the family farm. He is Nebraska-educated; and except for the time he served in the United States Army, Dave has been working on behalf of Nebraskans solving complicated disputes and challenging legal issues.

Dave is a very willing and able debater and has “shown up” (unlike his opponent) and participated in ALL the scheduled debates and forums across this State. He is not afraid to an-swer the questions of his constituents, and he presents his views in a very forthright and articu-late manner. Dave will be a fantastic advocate for the citizens of Nebraska on the floor of the United States Senate.

Vote for Dave Domina for Senate and Nebraska’s independent voice will be heard in Washington.

Janice Schnier, Beatrice

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