

Domina knows guns

I have been a life member of the National Rifle Association since 1963, and I have just voted by mail for Dave Domina, the Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate.

Why would a gun owner vote for a Democrat? In my case it’s because Dave Domina is more aware of, and sympathetic to, the legitimate concerns of gun owners in Nebraska than is his Republican rival.

The Republican candidate badly flubbed two easy questions about gun policy shortly after he received an NRA endorsement. He could not find comments about the NRA’s “no compromise” stance or about the gun-show loophole. He simply didn’t understand the questions.

By contrast, Dave Domina can relate to gun issues in a responsible, informed manner. He is a successful attorney who grew up on a Nebraska farm and is an avid pheasant hunter.

Dave Domina is also an honorable, intelligent man who would be a powerful voice in the U.S. Senate for Nebraska interests.

I urge my fellow gun owners to give Dave Domina for U.S. Senate close scrutiny before reflexively voting for the clueless Republican candidate.

Gerald R. Grow, Lincoln

Hunting T & D